Gen One Legacy
Making a generational impact starts with one: one person, one family, and one community. And so, the Gen One Legacy is our attempt to help first-gen tech professionals like you get your financial house in order so you can live your legacy.
Hosted by Peter Donisanu, a Private Wealth Manager, this podcast serves to simplify your journey through the often-complex world of wealth management, tailored specifically for the first-generation impact-oriented tech worker.
One person can’t change the world alone.
But one person can be the spark that lights the way, providing future generations with resources they need to align with their higher purpose so they can make a dent in the universe.
Your journey as a first-generation high earner isn’t just about accumulating wealth; it’s about creating a legacy that lasts the tests of time. A legacy that empowers your family, uplifts your community, and leaves a lasting mark on society for generations to come.
That’s why each episode of Gen One Legacy dives deep into the critical aspects of wealth creation, preservation, and legacy formation. From actionable stock options & equity comp strategies, to investing, estate planning and fostering a mindset of generational wealth, we cover it all.
Join us as we distill proven Wealth Management practices into practical and actionable insights that you can apply to your own life.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, an executive, or anywhere in between in the tech space, this podcast is your first step toward securing a prosperous future for your family and generations to come.
Subscribe to the Gen One Legacy where we’ll help you get your financial house in order so you can live your legacy.
Gen One Legacy
Think Twice Before Cashing that “Free Money” Check
Have you ever experienced the fleeting thrill of spending a windfall only to face regret once the excitement fades?
You're not alone.
Many of us have felt the sting of impulsive spending after receiving unexpected sums, like a tax refund, bonus, or even a lottery win.
This episode delves into the psychological and emotional rollercoaster that often accompanies financial windfalls.
We'll explore the concept of 'mental accounting,' a term coined by economist Richard Thaler, which explains why we might treat windfall money differently from our hard-earned cash.
Join us as we dissect real-life stories, including the dramatic tale of Jack Whittaker, who won a $315 million lottery jackpot only to face subsequent personal and financial turmoil.
Learn how short-term thinking can undermine long-term success and discover strategies to align unexpected gains with your long-term financial goals.
As we approach the end of the tax season and anticipate potential bonuses, we'll offer invaluable advice on creating a purposeful plan for your windfalls.
Find out how immediate actions and thoughtful planning can transform these financial boosts into powerful waypoints on your journey to financial independence and fulfillment.
Don't let your next windfall be a missed opportunity to advance your life goals!
Read this article at https://legacygenone.franklinmadisonadvisors.com/windfalls-are-waypoints-not-endpoints/
Learn more at https://linktr.ee/genonelegacy
Be sure to follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @genonelegacy